Friday, October 18, 2019

How did you lose extra weight so nicely?

Losing weight is simple, it’s just not easy.
My transformation.
I had always been a thin person. I was that person who could eat anything, yet never put on any weight. I was also pretty consistent on working out, which actually meant only cardio.
I was not in a habit of watching what I ate, had lot of carbs and processed sugar in my early and mid twenties. Thanks to my metabolism and all the cardio I was putting in, I looked like this.
Then I got pregnant, and this was my evolution
2 months pregnant
9 months pregnant
Overall, I gained 30 kgs. I went from weighing 50 kgs to 80 kgs by the end of my pregnancy.
After Trish was born, a month post-partum I looked like this.
This one is 4 months post-partum
And this is 8 months post-partum
At this point I started my cardio again, but continued with bad eating habits. I was not having enough water and eating a lot of processed food and sugars.
This is me 1 year post-partum
This is when I realized that old ways were not working. My brother has been in weight training for a very long time now, and finally I was ready to take his advice and make a sustainable change to not only look thin, but be healthier.
I started counting my macros, and moved to Pilates and yoga and occasional weight training. I didn’t completely move away from cardio, but reduced it. Additionally, I started watching my water intake and completely removed processed sugars from my foods.
This is me 18 months post-partum
I continued with my exercise and nutrition routine, I feel healthier than ever, I can walk long distances, I have more toned body than I have ever had in my life.
This is me recently, 2 years post-partum
Losing weight is simple, it’s just not easy.
Don't be extreme, be consistent.

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