Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What’s the most effective diet product to burn visceral fat?

Did you know that this fat (visceral) is the easiest to lose? There are plenty of very effective ways of eliminating this kind of fat. This will not only benefit you aesthetically, but also your health! Read on for more relevant info.
Here are the different kinds of fat you have on your body
Subcutaneous fat.
This fat is located on the arms, legs and bum (there is also a little bit on your stomach). It’s not dangerous to your health, although it does not look that great overall. This fat is pinch-able, squishy fat located between your skin and the muscles. This kind of fat helps keep you warm, and is stored for extra calories when times get tough.

Visceral fat.
This kind of fat is found around the belly, therefore it’s classed as the most dangerous kind of fat you can have. The reason why it’s dangerous is that your organs are located around this. It’s a hidden kind of fat that is deep within the belly region. Skinny fat people have a lot of visceral fat, although they would not be classed as a larger person. Hidden fat is the most life threatening fat you can have.
Visceral fat is actually capable of producing hormones that affect your other organs. This fat raises your LDL and blood pressure. It also makes you less sensitive to insulin, which increases your risk of Type 2 diabetes.
3 reasons why you have visceral fat
  1. Eating too much crap. This is the main culprit of your fat accumulation. Too many soft drinks, alcohol, fried foods and nutrition-less pastries make it a perfect environment for this fat to thrive and stay alive! Sugars, white refined flours and alcohol skyrocket our blood sugar levels, and cause all sorts of health problems. Over time, it becomes toxic to our digestion and nervous system.
  2. Stress less! One of the biggest causes of belly fat is of course, high levels of cortisol. This is triggered by a highly stressed lifestyle. When you are always on guard with your “fight or flight” response, your blood sugar levels lower, and the reward centres are activated in the brain. That’s when all the cravings for sweets, biscuits and junk stems from. Stress also causes muscle to break down, which means a lowered metabolism. A lowered metabolic rate means fat is easily accumulated.
  3. Your gut bacteria is imbalanced. The bacteria located within your gut produce hormones to regulate your immune system, digest food, extract nutrients, control your mood, manage your appetite, and much more. It’s basically your second brain. The less diverse your bacteria is, the more likely you are to have belly fat. The gut plays a HUGE role in the accumulation and elimination of body fat. Focus on filling your gut with pre-biotics first, followed by pro-biotics.

Now, 4 ways to eliminate visceral fat once and for all
  1. Change your diet. Eliminating sugars, trans fats, white refined flours, soft drinks and alcohol will instantly banish this. Aim to eat as many natural, unprocessed items as possible. Things like veggies, lean meats, seafood, sweet potatoes, low GI fruits as well as nuts and seeds. If it came from the ground, then it’s something you should consider within your diet.
  2. Weight train. Training with weights to build muscle is a sure fire way to burn a large amount of body fat, and increase muscle mass. Muscles mean a higher resting metabolic rate, all the time! Not only will you become a lot more healthy, but your body will start to take on an amazing shape, strength and endurance levels.
  3. HIIT. Interval training is the best way to burn body fat. Because of the high and low intensity, your body is forced to tap into fat reserves to sustain the intense activity. Try this for 20 minutes at a time, and keep adding if you wish. One warning is that it’s intense, so go easy when you need to, and have an added rest day.
  4. Get some long, deep sleeps regularly You know the deal when you don’t sleep… Cortisol is charged, appetite is high and guzzling from the workplaces vending machine is the result! Your body also tries to conserve energy by slowing down everything. This just increases the fat storage on your body. Try to get at least 6–8 hours sleep per night. Nap during the day if you can.
As you can see, there are a combination of things (diet, exercise and relaxation) that will help you eliminate visceral fat. All these things help you to lead a healthier and enjoyable life. There is no magic pill for this, just some self awareness and commitment to change your unpleasant state right now.

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