Friday, September 27, 2019

10 best ways to lose weight?

Introduce these simple habits and let’s talk after 90 days, yes 90 days. Just commit to this and i can promise weight loss 

  1. Dinner at 5 pm or at max 6:00 pm. Literally nothing after that. You can drink juice or eat an apple if you get food cravings but just no carbs or fats.
  2. Drink one liter water in the morning, yes first thing in the morning. If possible store water in a copper vessel and drink that.
  3. Introduce two hot cups of green tea, red tea detox - drink anytime of the day
  4. Drink water - it keeps your skin hydrates, toxins away and active thru’ the day
  5. Learnt this simple formula from a TV actor -
    1. 7 -12- 5- 40 :: here’s what it means - Eat food at 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 5:00 pm and each time you eat, chew it 40 times. Man! when you pay attention to chewing your food, it is like meditation, or mindful eating. Try it. Remember - 7 -12 - 5 - 40
  6. Take a caffeine shot at 4:00 pm; just gallop it down in one go. You can put some water in it, if you don’t like neat. This was something my fitness coach told me and i think it works.According to him, it cuts down body fat and is a good for mind as well.
  7. Cut sugar; if you can’t (speaking from personal experience), just introduce pure honey instead of sugar. Don’t cheat yourself. Start small and celebrate each time you skip sugar. Pat your back. Your taste buds will adjust in 90 days. I promise.
  8. I follow some pages on Healthy Food. Pretty awesome content and super simple. There are tonnes of free healthy recipes that are available on internet. Make sure you know how to make these meals. A simple trick has helped me. I have introduced oats and quinoa in my diet instead of rice/ brown rice or wheat.
  9. Ok! this may be a cliche’ and probably you would hear everyone say, it’s called exercising. It helps augment what you try to achieve through diet. Diet is the what you need to master and exercising is for long term benefit. Run, brisk walk, long walks, yoga, zumba blah blah….whatever suits your soul man! Do what you truly enjoy and chances are you will stick with it. It will come to a point where you body will ask you for it…
  10. When you step outside, pls eat something beforehand. Don’t leave your house empty stomach. Else you will end up eating in a restaurant, most likely a non healthy meal. This is easiest way to save money and reduce fat.

This has helped me, hope helps you too!

How did you lose weight as a teenager?

I was tired of rolling around in my own mud of pity. I was a terrible person. Maybe i still am. I said the same when i gained all the weight. “I was a terrible person.” I'd say, while still being a terrible person. I may still be one right now.
I was in bed for a few weeks. After the moment i had realised that even though i was a terrible person, i was also unhealthy. I had a low self esteem. I was depressed. Lonely. Annoying. I had so much anxiety that i'd hyperventilate while getting up in class to throw away the rapper to the candy i was eating.
I absolutely hated myself.
I starved myself for 3 days. I didn't want to get out of my room knowing that i was the ugliest person in the world.
One day, my mom finally got pissed and told me to help her in the garage. She wanted me to paint something that she needed painting immediately. So i noodle-danced all the way to the garage. That day i learned that i can't be sad forever, and that i need to address the problem. This was the third day i hadn't eaten, and we finally went to walmart to grab some groceries. I told my mom that i wanted to lose weight. “Well, you can have pizza, just not the whole box. You can have a bag of chips, just dont eat all of them. Maybe a handfull.” Thats how i started my diet. Smaller portions. Exercise. Smaller portions. More exercise.i had a routine were i'd lay in the grass in the backyard with my cat, listening to the birds chirping, the willow tree rustlingx the sun hitting your face, burning it so slightly. It felt almost magical. I started counting my calories during spring break. 1200-1800.
To me, the key to a healthy life, is a healthy mind.
Freshman in highschool. 175+ lbs 2016-2017
Starting of sophomore year. 185+ lbs 2017
Mid sophmore year. End of first semester. 2017-2018
February-april 2018. 170 lbs
Summer 2018 150 lbs.
Start of junior year 2018. 140+ lbs.
October, 2018, 140 lbs
December, 2018, 135 lbs
March, 2019, 130 lbs lmao our dead mall
Me now, june 2019, 125 lbs
I still have some anxiety at times, and my low self esteem is not comepletely gone. But you have to learn to deal with it.
Forgive yourself, understand your mistakes, and learn from them. You can only improve from there.
And thats How i lost weight as a teenager.

What is the most ridiculous method of losing weight that you've ever tried?

7 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks That Work
Don’t take a whiff
A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that, at least in mice, the sense of smell may play a significant role in how the body controls hunger and metabolism. Mice that no longer had a sense of smell burned more calories, lost weight, and showed improved sensitivity to insulin compared to mice who still had an intact sense of smell and ate the exact same amount of food. To further prove that smell impacts obesity, the researchers created “super-smeller” mice that had a stronger sense of smell. These mice gained weight and became obese.
Eat a bigger breakfast than dinner
In a study in the journal Obesity, one group of obese women consumed 700 calories at breakfast, 500 at lunch, and 200 at dinner. Another group ate the same foods but had 200 calories in the a.m. and 700 at night (lunch stayed the same). After 13 months, the big-breakfast eaters shed 18 pounds, while the big-dinner eaters lost only about seven.
Jog for junk mail
Turn clutter into a challenge: For every piece of junk mail you pull from the mailbox each day, do one lap around your house or building, or up and down a flight of stairs. You’ll burn between 35 and 140 calories per session.
Hang a mirror opposite your seat at the table
One study in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-third. Seems having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.
Shoot your food
Instead of writing down every morsel, take a picture of it; a visual account may help curb your intake. “Snapping photos and then looking back at them can make people stop and think before indulging,” says nutritionist Joan Salge Blake, RD, author of Nutrition & You. Even your virtuous salad may “show your extra helping of cheese or deep-fried croutons,” Blake cautions.
Stick to wrapped candy
Yes, this is one of the weird weight loss tricks that involve candy. People ate 30 percent less candy when they had to unwrap it first, a Swiss study found. Peeling off the wrapper requires effort, which can make noshers eat less.
Think about your plate color
Researchers have found that people may eat less food when served on some plates compared with others. For example, one study found that people who were given a white plate at a buffet ate less food than when given a black or red plate teh same size.
If you want to lose weight, look 10 years younger and live longer then learn about these 5 points. You are doing it everyday without knowing…

What are the biggest weight loss mistakes?

First, accustomed to a single diet
Vegetables only eat cucumbers, fruits only eat apples, and only one type of food is eaten.
However, such a method of eating, the rate of regaining fat is the highest.
Each food contains different nutrients. Maybe there are more of this protein. The dietary fiber is more, and one of them is staring at one of them and can't get balanced nutrition.
Not only does weight loss have no long-term effects, but the digestive system and endocrine system can also be disordered, especially for girls. Many people stop the physiological period because of malnutrition.
300-500 grams of vegetables per day, dark vegetables account for 1/2; 200-350 grams of fresh fruit, can not be replaced with juice; meat in addition to chicken breast and fish, you can also choose lean meat such as pork, sheep, and fish (including high The low-fat part of the protein); cereals, tubers, and potatoes all have good dietary fiber, which can be eaten alternately, of course, the heat must be controlled.
Second, only low calories
Is it wrong to limit calories? Of course right, but there is a big premise - in the case of balanced nutrition.
Normal people need to consume at least 1200 calories per day. Once the calorie intake is too small, normal physiological functions cannot work naturally. Even the outside bacteria and bacteria can't resist it. How can we lose weight?
In addition, when the intake of calories is too low, the body will automatically enter the state of reserve heat, and the food that is eaten will be more likely to be converted into energy storage.
Restricting calories does not limit nutrition. You should consume enough protein, carbohydrates, high-quality fat, and proper dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals every day.
Third, take medicine to lose weight
Many people who are too lazy to spend time want to lose weight and want to eat all kinds of high-calorie foods with impunity. Diet pills are the first choice.
A considerable part of the diet pills let the user vomit and diarrhea, thinking that the excess calories are discharged. In fact, it is all water, and the fat that is eaten remains in the body.
In addition, some diet pills claim to suppress appetite, but once stopped, it will be more controllable than eating. Even more frightening is that the harm caused by diet pills can not only rebound.
No matter what weight-loss drugs, there are more or less side effects, to lose weight at the expense of health is the practice of putting the cart before the horse.
Nothing compares to the body's own burning of fat, increasing the amount of exercise, and maintaining the nutrition of each meal can gradually adjust the internal circulation of the body, which is much healthier than eating diet pills.
Misunderstand Weight loss machine
There are lots of people think that weight loss machines are not good. But it is true? Nowadays, Spa use these, Salon uses these, and people have their own weight loss machine as well.
How Does Cavitation Work?
Cavitation has its own working procedure. It requires almost 10 to 12 treatments in different settings. The results are starting appearing even in a few settings. You can observe a noticeable change up to 5 cm or 2 inches reduction in your body measurements just right after five to six treatments. Each session almost goes up to between 30 to 50 minutes.
To get the best results in a short time your treatment specialist or concerned doctor will advise you to drink plenty of water, adopt the habit of healthy eating, and to exercise regularly during treatment. You will be surprised that the doctor will recommend cavitation patient to drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water before the session and even after the ultrasonic cavitation treatment. This action will help your body in order to release fatty acids easily.
Cavitation experts give you instruction to take low-carb and low-calorie diet before you can be going for the procedure. The low carb diet will be beneficial to burn fats during the whole procedure.
Even after the treatment, you have to take care of your diet and exercise if you are heart patient or inserted pacemaker, a vascular disease, or any other critical condition you can go for this treatment. However, the thing to be noted is the person who has diabetes should avoid this ultrasonic wave’s treatment.

What did you do to lose your weight?

I read through some of the answers.. and theirs is probably better than mine. Lol. But thank you for the A2A.
The thing with these answers is that it varies from person to person. What worked for me may not work for you unless we have both the same eating habits and physical activity habits. With that said, I wouldn’t over-indulge on sweets, candies, cakes, ice cream, soda, etc. I rarely, if ever, ate any of that kind of thing. Aside from the Mocha frappuccino from Starbucks. My weaknesses were overeating on carbs. Pasta, bread, and rice especially. Growing up being half Asian in Hawaii.. rice is a staple food. Mine was over-consumption. I didn’t know what moderation meant. I wanted it excessively, or I didn’t want it at all. I would go through my days, drinking 1–2 frappuccinos and eating a ridiculously large dinner full of carbs. On weekends, I would eat large breakfasts, have my frappuccinos, and eat a large dinner. I also had very minimal physical activity.
Recognizing my bad habits, I had to change them. I ignored the physical activity first. I didn’t want to overdo it and become discouraged because it was too hard. So, I focused on my eating habits. I had to develop a better relationship with food and get smarter about what I was putting into my body. I started out with cutting out the frappuccinos entirely, eating smaller meals, and drinking lots and lots of water. I didn’t change too much about what I ate. Just how much of it and how frequently. I got myself used to eating smaller meals and eating frequently. It’s a lot easier of a habit to develop if you’re eating what you like, lol.
Once I had that down and I was eating 4–6 times a day, I started changing what I ate. I started cutting out the breads, pastas, and rice. The rice was the hardest. But eventually I managed to. I made protein a priority, then vegetables, then fruits while trying to keep as low carb as I could.
It was recommended to me by a dietitian to consume protein within the first 2 hours of waking up (but the first half an hour is preferable) to wake up and jump-start your metabolism for the day. A lot of people eat two eggs, or drink a protein shake, etc. I have a hard time getting out of bed. I need to lie there or sit there for a good half an hour to an hour before I even want to get up. So I started keeping protein bars by my bed as something to eat immediately.
Next step was exercise. I just started to walk. I began taking the stairs, getting up more frequently, focusing on trying to increase my heart rate. I just walked, often. I started out slow, and began increasing to using a stationary bike and now an elliptical. I also began doing strength training so that I don’t lose muscle. I’m not very good with keeping up on that, but I’ll get there.
The important thing to be successful is to be patient with yourself. I have bad days where my diet is totally out of wack. Where I eat all the wrong things or I go days without working out. I forgive myself and I get over it. Once I stopped looking at it like a punishment, it became a lot easier to do. When I have a craving for something, I just eat it. Whatever it is. I get it over with. If I ignore it, I’m more likely to binge later. In all honesty, I let myself eat whatever I want, I just change how much of it I consume.
It’s hard, you know? There’s no doubt about it. But it’s as much of a mental and emotional battle as it is a physical one. In fact, the mental and emotional side of it is likely harder than the physical one.
You just have to be patient and forgiving with yourself.
Picture from my IG.
I’m not sure if the asker is trying to lose weight or just trying to hear other stories. But if you are trying to lose weight, my only advice is to recognize your bad habits and work on changing them. Weight loss is not a one size fits all type of thing because we all have different habits. I hope you find what works for you and good luck!

What is the best diet to lose 10kg in 3 weeks?

Weight train guys! This is the key to lasting fat loss!
Becoming lean doesn’t always happen as fast as we like. 3 weeks is really not giving yourself enough time, unless you want to crash diet (which is not a good idea - please don’t do this!). Our bodies never respond as fast as our minds do, when we set the intention to change.
The good news is there are a few methods that can help you along the way. These are simple and easy, but do require some discipline. I don’t know what your eating plan and exercise regime looks like, therefore, these are stock standard for anyone starting out along the journey. I will leave you with one great method, that increases fat loss fast in people that are overweight. If you are on the leaner side, it won’t be as effective. Here goes..
4 ways to lose body fat fast, with one highly successful bonus tip!
  1. Remove all processed foods including refined sugars and carbohydrates. That means anything from a packet made for convenience. You need to get rid of all of these foods, as well as soft and energy drinks. The stop weight loss by casing a cascade of negative hormonal changes in your body. This will then steady your blood sugar levels, and provide you with constant energy during the day, rather than slumps and peaks.
  2. Make protein and veggies the main priorities in your diet. Make sure you are eating the proper portions and high grade protein sources during the day. This is so you may experience satiety, increased energy, more focused and clear minded. Vegetables are the perfect source of many vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and a source of satiety as well. Vegetable consumption eliminates a lot of cravings we tend to experience. Pick low fat protein sources such as eggs, chicken breast, fish and turkey. Veggies should be cruciferous such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale and asparagus. You will get more nutritional value and low calorie meals out of these.
  3. Lower your carb intake. Low carb eating allows us to tap into our fat reserves, utilising them for energy, rather than glucose. Opt to get all your carb sources from veggies, as they do not increase insulin. Increase the fat in your diet by eating more nuts, avocado and olive oil. No, they do not increase your body fat, rather, they assist in increasing your bodies thermogenesis. It actually takes your body energy to digest these foods (which is another way to burn calories)
  4. Strength train! This is key to weight loss. You need to work out vigorously, and consistently in order to burn body fat stores and increase your metabolism. When starting off, you will experience great results with this. Along the journey of weight training, your body will be better able to adapt to burn fat stores for energy. You will also increase your range of fat burning after your workout has been completed. It is a win win situation in all aspects of your life.
BONUS TIP: Intermittent fasting for fast fat loss!
Why is intermittent fasting so effective?
  1. Boosts your metabolism. When your resting metabolism is boosted, it helps you burn more calories throughout the day, even when asleep or at rest.
  2. It kick starts ketosis. Ketosis usually happens under extreme limitations of carbohydrates. Intermittent fasting provides a short cut towards this ultimate fat burning state. Once the body is drained of glucose the primary source of our bodies energy - it is forced to burn through fat reserves for energy, through a process called Ketosis. Ketosis has the power to reduce inflammation markers, burn through extra fat and drop weight at a faster rate.
  3. By burning visceral fat. This is the stubborn fat we have on our bodies. It’s allocated deep around the abdominal organs. During a 6 month fasting duration, people on an intermittent fasting diet were able to shed 4–7 percent of their visceral fat

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What has the most significant impact on weight loss, exercise, or eating less and healthier?

It is 90% what you eat.
Here I am at 285lbs eating crappy and not working out.
Here I am 1 year later at 265lbs after having lifted 7x a week for 1 full year while still eating crappy and not doing cardio.
Here I am 5 months later weighing 225lbs. Still lifting 7x a week and now eating healthy and doing HIIT cardio
Here I am 7 months later at 265lbs. Lifting 7x a week but but stopped eating healthy
Here I am 7 months later, weighing 200lbs. Lifting 7x a week, continued to eat well and do HIIT cardio:
2 years later, continued eating healthy and being active while lifting 7x a week.
Edit: My measureables in the last photo have been asked a few times so I’m just over 6’1, 205lbs and 32 years old
Edit 2: It’s been asked how I eat / lift while I went from 265–200. So here is a really long response:
Eating: I eat alot of food. So i try to still eat a lot of food, but just foods that are more filling and less dense in calories.
I try to get 190-200g of protein a day.
Wakeup: I always drink protein shake
Breakfast: instant oatmeal or scrambled eggs or fruit (eggs can be a lunch / dinner too. Somtimes I’ll mix eggs with lean ground turkey and rice sort of as like a healthy stir fry.
Lunch: large salad with chicken breast (or other lean protein) in it. Sometimes for lunch I’ll eat a cambell soup choices that were < 400 calories for a can.
I’ll routinely bring left overs from dinner to work for lunch. So with that we’ll have chicken / salmon / shrimp with some sort of healthy side. There are a million recipies for healthy eating and it’s not hard to cook it. Some side options I typically eat are quinoa, cauliflower mash (so like mash potatos), baked sweet potatos, skewers with pinneapple/chicken/onion/mushrooms. There are a million healthy options. It’s really about cooking your food.

I feel you can have unlimited fruit / vegetables or lean meats (like chicken salmon etc..). Obviously there is a limit but like 1 pound of chicken breast is 750 calories. That's a ton of food (or a big mac is 500 calories..). So it's just choosing the right foods and then googling recipes. I mostly tried to stay around 1700-1800 calories and tried to get a lot of protein. I tried to still eat healthy, so just because chips fit within my 1800 calories I still avoided it.
I did sometimes eat bad foods, but i kept it to a minimum and being fit isn't anything special. Everyone can do it, it's just consistency. The different between someone that's fit and someone that failed is 1 person gave up and the other decided to go even when they feel tired or unmotivated.
Snacks: I like yogurt, oreanges, pinneapple, bananas, lunch meet, sometimes i'll make a protein shake, etc..there are a lot of dessert like meals you can make by googling protein powder recipies.
I've always found myself to experiment but i end up with the same ideas. I like to lift many sets of low reps reps. So i do heavier weights at 2-5 reps and i'll do 6-8 sets of this and then i'll do one last set with a higher range to try and get additional hypertrophy. When I first started I decided I wanted to lift 7x a week and I've done that pretty much ever since. A lot of reading tells me you need off days so I say take off days but my ego says i'll still go 7x.
I lift like this:
Day 1: back/bicep:
Back: dumbbell rows, pull ups, dead lifts
Bicep: alternating bicep dumbbell curls, straight bar curls, preacher curls, dumbbell hammer curls
all 3 back exercises, 2-3 of the bicep and then every 4 weeks alternate the order. Sometimes i add other random exercises, but these were the majority.
Day 2: Bench / Triceps:
Chest: Flat Bench, Incline Bench, Dumbbell Flys, Dips, decline bench
Triceps: Inside grip incline bench, skull crushers, inside grip flat bench, tricep pull downs.
3 chest, 2-3 tricep excercises, same as above.
Day 3: legs / Shoulders
Legs: various squat, lunges, leg press, leg extensions, leg curls
shoulders: front raises, over head press, side raises, arnold press, shrugs
choose 3-4 of each.
Every other day i do abs. Abs i do hanging leg raises, V-Ups w\a dumbell between my legs, Ab pull downs (so pulling down on a pulley). so with the last 2 excericses i continually try to increase weight to make it more difficult.

Days I don't do abs I do calves. I do calf extensions on the leg press machine. I start high rep: 20-25 reps, then 15-20 reps, then i start to get heavier and go to weight i can only do 2-5 times. When I finish up I will do 1-2 sets of high reps again.
For cardio I believe all you need to do is 15 minutes a day of HIIT cardio. Which means you do something really hard for 30 seconds and then walk for 30 seconds and repeat. Run at a sprint for 10-20 seconds, do squat jumps for 15-20 seconds, do burpees at a fast pace for 15-20 seconds, jump over your couch for 20 seconds, just something that really gets your heart going and is somewhat physical.
Then if you're running, just walk at 3mph for 20-40 seconds, if you're doing one of the more in-home exercises I mentioned then just sort of keep your body moving a little bit, nothing fast, just don't stand still though, for the next 20-40 seconds as you get your breath back and then just repeat this for 15-20 minutes and that's it. I would do that 3-5 times a week. If you really want to kill it, immediately after that walk and do steady state cardio, a normal paced walk maybe very slightly fast (or if you're on a treadmill at a slight incline) for the next 20-35 minutes after your HIIT and that will boost your results even more.
That's it though. You can do as little as 1 hour of cardio for an entire week. The eating part though is what will really guide your weight loss.Running for 15 minutes is great, but that only burns 200-400 calories. Eating an extra large candy bar is similar or more calories. So always consider: is X item worth running for an hour? Maybe that's an unfun way to look at it, but sometimes it helps me rationalize out of bad food

Why do many people who work out regularly remain overweight?

lol somebody took this picture and posted it on reddit under the “natty or juice” reddit and someone DM’d my Instagram about it. It’s so funny how people need affirmation that their lack of progress isn’t their own fault and that everybody else is just on steroids. I’d be pissed about it if I didn’t find it so pathetic.
if you post something about how my after pic is more flattering because of lighting etc I’ll delete your dumb ass comment. Everybody knows this and can see it. Nobody takes after photos that look like crap
See that? There’s about 8 months between these photos.
I did not change one single thing about the way I trained between these two pictures. I added a bit of cardio toward the end (five days a week sprint/walking for 30 minutes)
The real difference was that I started tracking my food with My Fitness.
I tracked everything I ate and put myself in a caloric deficit with one cheat meal every other week (my preference was to devour an entire extra large pepperoni pizza with a side order of wings).
Every day I ate basically the same stuff
Oatmeal with blueberries and pbFit
Greek yogurt
Green beans
Sweet potato
Roughly 220g of protein, 220g carbs, and 65g fat per day
People stay fat because the hard part of weight loss isn’t the exercise - it’s staying on the correct diet.
Eating does weird shit to our hormones. We become chemically addicted to certain foods, namely the high carb, high fat foods served at fast food joints.
But if you want to get in shape, your first focus should be on diet.
And no, I wasn’t taking steroids on the right. Don’t bother with the accusations. I lost 30 pounds between these pics and was actually weaker on the right. But hey it was fun looking like a super hero.

Tips for weight loss

The diet industry is full of myths and miracle recipes that rarely work. In the best case, we manage to lose those extra pounds ... to take them back some time later. Here is a list of scientifically proven tips for losing weight.
The US health site, Authority Nutrition, has compiled a list of 26 tips for finding the line, all with scientific evidence and studies.

1. Drink water (especially before meals)
We can not stop repeating it, we have to drink a lot of water. Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24 to 30% over a period of about 1 hour, and help the body burn calories, making it an excellent adjunct in weight loss.
A study shows that drinking half a liter of water nearly an hour before a meal causes you to eat fewer calories and helps you lose up to 44% more weight.
2. Eat eggs for breakfast
Eating whole eggs can have all kinds of benefits, including weight loss.
Scientists have looked into the matter and found that replacing a cereal breakfast with eggs also helped reduce calories during the next 36 hours, and thus lose more body fat.
If you can not eat eggs for one reason or another, do not panic. Any other source of quality protein consumed at breakfast will do the trick.
3. Drink coffee (preferably black)
Too often demonized, coffee is actually bursting with antioxidants, and can therefore have a number of health benefits.
Studies prove it . Caffeine increases metabolism by 3 to 11% and increases fat burning by 10 to 29%. However, be sure not to add industrial quantities of sugar and other high caloric ingredients. This would completely cancel the profit earned from coffee.
4. Drink green tea, red tea
Like coffee, green tea has many benefits. It contains a lower dose of caffeine, but is also packed with antioxidants called catechins, which "collaborate" with caffeine to burn even more fat.
Although scientists are mixed in this case, there are many studies to prove that green tea (consumed as a drink or as a dietary supplement) can also promote weight loss.
5. Put yourself in coconut oil
Coconut oil is very good for your health. With its high rate of special fats, called Medium Chain Triglyceride, it is metabolized by the body differently from other fats.
It has been established by researchers that these fats stimulate metabolism and burn 120 extra calories a day while reducing appetite. In total, you will consume nearly 256 calories less per day.
Of course, it is not a question of adding coconut oil to what you have already cooked, but of replacing the oil you use for your cooking.
6. Take glucomannan supplements
Several studies claim that the fiber called glucomannan causes weight loss. This type of fiber absorbs water and "settles" temporarily in the intestines, which makes you think of a feeling of satiety and stops the urge to eat.
Studies have shown that individuals taking this kind of supplement lose more weight than those who do not take it.
7. Reduce sugar
Added sugar is the worst ingredient in our modern diet, and unfortunately, most of the population consumes excessively.
Science shows that sugar consumption is strongly associated with risks of obesity, diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many others.
If you want to lose weight, it is imperative to reduce these added sugars. Make sure you read the labels, because even so-called "healthy" foods are full of sugar.

8. Eat less refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates, often sugar or grains from which the fibrous and nutritive part has been extracted (like white bread or pasta).
It has been shown that refined carbohydrates can represent a significant spike in blood sugar, leading to a feeling of hunger which has the effect of increasing food intake a few hours later. Eating refined carbohydrates is therefore strongly associated with obesity.
9. Start a low carbohydrate diet
If you want to have all the benefits associated with a carbohydrate restriction, consider a low carbohydrate diet and try to keep it to the limit.
As several studies show , such a diet can help you lose 2 to 3 times more weight than a standard low-fat diet, while improving your health.
10. Eat in small plates
It has been proven that eating in smaller plates automatically reduces the number of calories consumed. Researchers have looked at the issue and found that people tended to underestimate the quantities when they ate their food in large dishes.
11. Control your portions or count calories
Portion control (eating less) calculating calories can be very helpful for obvious reasons.
Several studies show that keeping a diary of what you eat (or simple pictures of meals) improves weight loss.
Anything that helps to make people aware that we are eating is helpful.
12. Keep healthy food at your fingertips
Keeping good food nearby can prevent you from eating an unhealthy food if you are feeling hungry.
So have some snacks close to you that are easy to transport and simple to prepare, such as fruits, nuts, baby carrots, yoghurt, boiled eggs.
13. Wash your teeth after the meal
The US Authority Nutrition website admits to knowing no studies on this subject, but many are those to recommend to wash their teeth right after the meal. So, you will not be tempted to eat a last snack late at night.
14. Eat spicy food
Spicy foods like Cayenne peppers for example contain capsaicin, an element that boosts metabolism and reduces appetite.
15. Do aerobics
Practicing aerobics (cardiovascular training) is a great way to burn calories and improve one's physical and mental health.
It seems that aerobics is very effective in the loss of abdominal fat, this bad health fat that is deposited around the organs and causes metabolic disorders.

16. Lift weights
One of the side effects of the diet in general is the tendency to lead to muscle loss and a slowing of metabolism.
The best way to deal with this problem is to do some resistance training, such as lifting weights for example. Studies show that lifting weights helps to maintain a strong metabolism, which prevents loss of muscle mass.
17. Eat more fiber
High fiber foods are often recommended when you want to lose weight. Although scientists are mixed about this, some studies show that fiber increases satiety and helps keep some weight control over the long term.
18. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Vegetables as well as fruits have several properties that make them excellent adjuvants in weight loss to eat the fat off.
They have a relatively low caloric intake, but a large number of fibers. In addition, they are rich in water, which gives them a low energy density.
Studies show that individuals consuming fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less. These foods are also very good for the health and very nutritious. It is therefore crucial to consume.
19. Chew slowly
Our brain needs a moment to "record" that we have eaten enough. Some studies point out that chewing slowly can help less eat and increases the production of hormones responsible for weight loss.
20. Sleep well
Sleep is often underestimated but is as important as eating well and exercising.
Studies show that poor sleep is one of the most important factors in obesity. It increases the risk of obesity by 89% in children and by 55% in adults.
21. Fight the food addiction
A recent 2014 study of 196,211 individuals shows that 19.9% ​​of those surveyed met the criteria for food addiction.
If you have uncontrolled cravings and can not control your diet, you may be dependent on food.
In this case, it is important to get help, because such a problem makes losing weight almost impossible.
22. Eat more protein
Protein is important when it comes to losing weight
Having a high protein diet boosts the metabolism from 80 to 100 calories a day. In addition, by increasing the feeling of fullness, they can eat nearly 441 calories less a day.
Another study shows that a protein intake reduces the obsessive desire to eat by 60%, while also decreasing the dips of late evening.
Adding protein to your diet (without depriving yourself of anything), is one of the simplest ways to lose weight.
23. Whey protein dietary supplements
If you're struggling to incorporate protein into your diet, taking supplements can be an alternative.
A study shows that replacing a portion of your caloric intake with protein can make you lose 3.5 kg, while increasing muscle mass.
24. Do not drink calories
As you can see, sugar is bad, but liquid sugar is even more so !
Keep in mind that this also applies to fruit juices. Some contain the same doses of sugar as a soda. Eat whole fruits, but consume the fruit juice carefully (or simply avoid it).
25. Eat whole foods (real food)
If you want to be in good health, the best thing to do is to eat whole foods, composed of one ingredient.
These foods are naturally satietogenic. It is therefore difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based on this type of food
Keep in mind that "real food" does not require a list of ingredients as it is the ingredient.
26. Do not diet, eat healthy (do not eat less, eat better, eat stop eat)
The biggest problem with "diets" is that they never work in the long run. What happens most often is that individuals in the diet tend to gain weight again afterwards.
You should not focus on diet or weight loss right away. The goal is to be healthier and to achieve a weight of form. So take care of feeding your body instead of depriving it.
Weight loss should follow this line as a secondary consequence.