Friday, September 6, 2019

Mistake to cause you to never lose weight

One answer to a very broad question is such a hard thing to decide. Unfortunately, I have several, but let me tell you about just 3 ( I know you only want one, but 3 is a lot more valuable don’t you think?).

3 mistakes that stops weight loss & makes you fatter.
  1. Thinking that you could magically be the one who out trains a bad diet. I have fallen into this trap many times, and wasted months on end believing that I could actually outsmart my own body. There is no chance of this ever happening to anyone! The body knows, and will always win. Diet is really key to any weight loss, and no matter how much you exercise to burn certain junk food you just ate, it will never just burn off. Please don’t make this crucial mistake. Diet is 80% exercise is 10% of your weight loss results. Abs are really made in the kitchen.
  2. Under-eating deliberately believing it will help you burn body fat. This is by far, as big of a mistake as the one written above. Eating less food overall does not guarantee weight loss. It does however, put a lot of stress on the body, as it will eventually realise you are starving, and aim to stop your body from using any fat reserves, in case as a survival buffer. It is not only very unpleasant, but leads to all sort of problems, such as mood swings, lethargy, brain fog, poor performance, hair loss and all those lost hours of torment, trying to stop yourself from eating. Try intermittent fasting instead, or eat low calorie proteins, carbs and proteins during the day (and of course, add fats) Chicken, turkey, fish, broccoli, asparagus, greens etc. Veggies are your fat burning friends, so eat them regularly.
  3. Too much cardio for too long. Cardio is a very good technique during your fat burning phase, but doing too much of it will eat away at your muscle building efforts, therefore slowing your resting metabolic rate. This is the devastating effect intense bouts of cardio do, daily. You may even feel that you have lost your overall tone, or have gone softer around the edges. This is a good sign that it’s time to cut the cardio and weight train more. The trick is to only do what cardio is necessary so that you have some quality time for strength training. That is going to give you the best results.
I do hope these tips help you somewhat along your journey.

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