Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why do many people who work out regularly remain overweight?

lol somebody took this picture and posted it on reddit under the “natty or juice” reddit and someone DM’d my Instagram about it. It’s so funny how people need affirmation that their lack of progress isn’t their own fault and that everybody else is just on steroids. I’d be pissed about it if I didn’t find it so pathetic.
if you post something about how my after pic is more flattering because of lighting etc I’ll delete your dumb ass comment. Everybody knows this and can see it. Nobody takes after photos that look like crap
See that? There’s about 8 months between these photos.
I did not change one single thing about the way I trained between these two pictures. I added a bit of cardio toward the end (five days a week sprint/walking for 30 minutes)
The real difference was that I started tracking my food with My Fitness.
I tracked everything I ate and put myself in a caloric deficit with one cheat meal every other week (my preference was to devour an entire extra large pepperoni pizza with a side order of wings).
Every day I ate basically the same stuff
Oatmeal with blueberries and pbFit
Greek yogurt
Green beans
Sweet potato
Roughly 220g of protein, 220g carbs, and 65g fat per day
People stay fat because the hard part of weight loss isn’t the exercise - it’s staying on the correct diet.
Eating does weird shit to our hormones. We become chemically addicted to certain foods, namely the high carb, high fat foods served at fast food joints.
But if you want to get in shape, your first focus should be on diet.
And no, I wasn’t taking steroids on the right. Don’t bother with the accusations. I lost 30 pounds between these pics and was actually weaker on the right. But hey it was fun looking like a super hero.

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