Saturday, September 7, 2019

Why are all steps relating to weight loss becoming useless? It’s been more than a year now that I see no difference despite daily workouts and diet.

I know it can be frustrating when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes the results become apparent faster than others.

  1. The decision that weight loss steps are useless is in fact, the absolute truth! I do believe that too many people are over analysing and confusing the vast majority of individuals. I’m not entirely sure what kind of weight loss material you are relating to, but I can assume that the information you have been given is not accurate, or you would be experiencing some success. I don’t think you are alone with this.
    To get to the core of the minimal to no results, we really have to know what you have been doing, and what you haven’t been. It’s obvious that as a beginner, without a proper strength training coach, it will be very challenging to become either lean or build muscle. Same goes for weight loss. If you have not been given the proper information from a coach, how can you filter what information is accurate or not? This is why it’s very valuable to seek the assistance of someone that knows what they are doing, and has achieved results themselves. I am definitely not one to train or get dietary advice from a person who does not look the part.
    I can put my money on the fact you are not getting the results because of your diet and exercise, more so your diet than anything else. Diet is and will always be the key factor in determining your weight loss and body composition results. Because I don’t know the specifics of your situation, I can only bring forward some generalised suggestions.
    Here goes.
    5 training tips for fat loss you may have missed

  1.  Train with intensity. Make sure you are really pushing yourself to work to your most highest level. I deem this the ‘killing it’ stage when you are really aching for that short rest period until it all starts again. I don’t see many people getting to this stage at any gym. You really have to focus hard on your program, eliminating distractions and disturbances, then getting down to business. Feeling the burn - push on, trying to catch your breath - push on. This will generate the best hormonal response that triggers fat loss during your workout, and even when it’s completed. Trust me on this one.
  2. Compound lifts. Even if you cannot lift a lot, who cares guys! Just get in there and deadlift, squat, bench press, lunge and pull your body weight up. I know these are challenging movements and they are uncomfortable. You need to get into the uncomfortable stage in order to experience the best results. Be the person who takes on the challenging movements in the gym, as you will experience the most profound results.
  3. Shave off the rest period. That’s correct, resort to a shorter rest period to really challenge yourself. I know it’s tough, and you haven’t recovered from the first set, but you want results right? You want to burn body fat and re-shape your body? Then you have to take a chance on this one. No talking to anyone, just focus on impeccable form, intensity and kill it.
  4. Super sets of circuit training with weights. I LOVE this method for getting ripped. Super-setting means you do 2 exercises back to back and rest after they have been performed. Circuit training is doing exercises consecutively, without rest. It could be 4–5 exercises, varying in their degree of difficulty. The only downside to this is that you probably wont be able to perform your strongest lift. Let’s not worry about this, but be aware that the goal is for fat burning. You will get some strength increases when performing these methods (and hypertrophy) but fat burning will definitely be achievable with this method. Don’t perform circuit training on a daily basis, as you will not get the most optimal results. Do them once a week when you need to vary your workout. Focus on a body part (like legs) and execute the sequence.
  5. Become active in your daily life. I don’t think I need to highlight the downside of sitting down on your bum daily, as well as not performing any kind of activities outside the gym. This doesn’t mean they need to be at an intense level, keep it very low key. Opt to walk as much as possible. Leave the car at home and use your legs to get to work, run errands or for a leisurely walk after you have your meals.
5 Fat burning tips you may have missed
  1. Make sure you are eating enough food. Weight loss is not about eating less, it’s about eating properly and regularly to eliminate cravings, as well as balancing your energy levels. Space your food out so you are consuming 5–6 meals per day. These should be portioned out considering your body shape, and contain the adequate amount of protein, fats, carbs and veggies.
  2. Keep away from processed foods, and read the labels when in doubt. Processed foods lack any nutrient value, as well as containing chemicals and additives we aren’t even aware of. We can sometimes be swept away by the convenience of these foods. Things such as cereals, energy bars and carb free bread. These are not nutrient viable for anyone. We must be aware that they may be adding unwanted side effects, such as weight gain and body fat accumulation.
  3. Pay close attention to your digestion and gut health. If you are getting feedback from your digestion regarding intolerances to foods you are eating, then you must pay attention. These foods are causing inflammation in your body, causing the accumulation of body fat, as well as halting any fat loss that may be possible. Offending foods need to be eliminated immediately, and a gut cleanse will need to re-program the digestive system and start to heal the gut.
  4. Lower your carb intake, making the carbs from veggies your main goal. Green leafy veggies are highly nutritious, contain heaps of fiber and produce zero or very moderate insulin response. Stick to kale, cabbage, asparagus, watercress, broccoli and spinach. These beauties detoxify the body of excess estrogen. Being low carb, they actually help your body facilitate the entry of glucose into the cells to be used for energy, rather than stored as fat.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated with water - eliminate fruit juices and diet sodas. Juices are just liquid candy, and filled with chemicals, high fructose, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners to make up for the lack of flavour. Even sports drinks are not idea. Give them the flick as well. Opt for 3 litres of water daily, even more if you are sweating a lot, or the weather is a lot warmer. Opt for coffee, herbal and green tea to break up the monotony of water. Green tea is especially valuable for increase insulin sensitivity, as well as boosting your metabolic rate.
These are some simple and yet valuable tips that may change the course of your direction. I would suggest in getting some one on one customised assistance by investing in a personal trainer who specialises in fat loss, hypertrophy and diet. It will save you a lot of frustration and valuable time.
I do hope these tips help you somewhat along your journey.

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