Monday, September 16, 2019

Take a look how i LOST 270 Lbs

I feel like I can fly. When I run, I feel just like that. Free.
I went well into the 400+ pound range (my scale stopped working at 421 pounds and then just said E for Error after that), and after a couple years of REALLY hard work, I’m at about 150. I had gained it quickly due to cancer.
I used to have this fat around my face and neck that made me hot all the time. That’s gone now. It was just so uncomfortable always.
I couldn’t do much yoga or stretching - I was a dancer before and extremely flexible, but after the massive weight gain so quickly, I literally had physical material in the way, preventing me from doing some things. I had a panniculous (lower abdominal fat) in addition to upper abdominal fat, that would get in the way of anything where I had to bend in the middle.
My belly button and the entire areas of skin under my skin folds would get itchy, raw, infected. Now I have a flat stomach. There aren’t any folds like that.
I can jump - no jiggle. I will jump randomly, just because of that. Up and down while I brush my teeth or wait for my coffee to perk.
I can run forever and not get winded. I always take stairs instead of elevators. I walk. I ride my bike. These things don’t scare me.
Here’s a big one: I don’t worry about my physical size anymore. I used to check on weight limits for EVERYTHING, and I was terrified of plane trips where seats were not assigned. I didn’t really fit into one seat, so I would go with someone I knew, book mine by the window so I could smoosh as hard against the wall as I could, and encroach on them a bit because I had no choice. I couldn’t imagine it being a stranger. I didn’t fit into stadium seats, or movie seats - I went to ones where I could lift the arms up, or bought two tickets when I had to.
I couldn’t do things like zip lining or parasailing. Now I do everything. I don’t have to think about weight limits. I actually look forward to working out, sweating, getting my heart rate up. Going to the doctor for my physical.
I have donated all my clothing I had from that period. No more size 30+ from Lane Bryant. Now I wear Mediums, a size 6 most of the time. I can shop at normal clothing stores.
People treat me differently. When I was morbidly obese, people avoided me, avoided eye contact, made fun of me. I have lots of stories about that. Bald, 450 pounds (who knows how much I eventually weighed)? I felt like Uncle Fester. I was so miserable. Every movement caused me to sweat. Now I am my usual, happy, bubbly self. I am still introverted and a bit shy most of the time (mostly while not in business mode), but I’m not afraid to walk in to a party and pick someone and say Hi, or randomly chat with people anywhere I go. I used to be.
Losing all that weight did not solve all my problems in life. But it definitely made it easier for me to tackle most of them on my own, and to be able to handle the stress that normal problems bring on. It is such a good feeling I can’t describe it other than to just say…. Wow.
Some of my photos on the way (I was fighting the above mentioned cancer):
Right before diagnosis:
Walking a four-miler with my mama, mid-chemo (360-ish #):
Getting some hair back and losing some pounds (around 300 lbs):
My first big 5K (around 250 lbs):
Getting a little faster/leaner (aroun 215lbs):
Then (175ish):
Today (152#):
Long, long way to travel. Can’t recommend it enough. It is not a diet. It is a change in entire lifestyle.
I feel like a million bucks :)

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