Wednesday, September 4, 2019

What is more important for health diet or exercise

A combination of a healthy diet and a well-rounded exercise regimen is key for weight loss. But if you pit the two against each other, one yields more results than the other.

When it comes to dropping pounds, what you put in your body is more important than how you move it, according to the AsapScience. The clip explains that cutting out calories is more fruitful than running on the treadmill because it takes less time. You could put on your gym clothes, go to a workout class and come home and shower to burn some calories, or you could just not eat a candy bar.
While exercise is crucial for leading a healthy life, exclusively, it doesn't often promote weight loss. A 2015 study found that calorie control is more successful, especially because exercise increases appetite in many people. Even more, additional research found that working out burns more calories initially, but the burn eventually plateaus as the body adjusts for stability.
Nevertheless, we have to stress that putting the two together is your very best bet for getting the most out of life. Don't forget that physical activity can reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes and can boost your mood and help you sleep better.

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