Thursday, September 5, 2019

Which items should i avoid for weight loss

Be careful with just consuming less calories. Sugar is low in calories but will aid in weight gain. Also, too drastic in a calorie drop will send your body into starvation mode and if you manage to lose weight you'll gain it back since your body thinks you're starving and will put on weight to protect itself. A general rule for calories and weight loss is take what's required to maintain your weight with no exercise and subtract 200 kcal. My resting calorie requirement is around 3,000. If I shot for about 2,800. I should see some weight loss. Any more than that I could put on weight or lose a lot but gain it back quickly.

I lost over 150lbs after my dad had a triple bypass. Here's basically what I did:
  1. Drop fast food (even McD's salads): It's high salt, high fat, chemicals. You don't need it.
  2. Drop white/processed foods (low glycemic) such as white potatoes, white rice, white sugar: The are low in dietary nutrition and cause a high spike in insulin production resulting in fat storage.
  3. Eat more fiber: Beans and broccoli are great sources of fiber and protein.
  4. Drink water: Not coke (that's white sugar and chemicals, let it go). Tea is fine but don't fill it will milks and sugar.
  5. Green Tea: green tea and lemon are like a 1-2 punch.
  6. EAT PLANTS: To be transparent, I've been vegan for 4 years but I'm not going to preach to you about it. Plants are going to be higher in fiber and micronutrients that you need before and after a workout. Apples (when eaten whole) actually aid in weight loss. Don't fall into the protein trap. Even pro athletes didn't see a difference in muscle growth after 0.75g per pound of body weight. Unless you're completing in anyway, protein really isn't an issue here. Amino acids aren't an issue either. Again, not going to harp on this, you asked about weight loss. Increase your whole food intake and you'll lose weight.
  7. EXERCISE: Do weights and cardio. If you can, split your cardio and weights up between morning and night such as running in the morning and lifting at night. If you don't have time to split like that, do cardio AFTER weights. It's ok to do 5min light jog on a treadmill to warm up. Cardio is aerobic, lifting is anaerobic. When you exercise, you use energy (glycogen) and you body needs to start using a reserve source. Aerobic exercises use fat as the reserve where anaerobic uses muscle tissue. Running/cardio first will deplete the glycogen levels and cause your body to use muscle as fuel for lifting. Lifting first will allow your body to use fat as the reserve source.
This is very simplified, obviously. Of course, consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. It may also be helpful to have a fasting glucose blood panel check to see where you're low and make sure you don't have any hormone issues that would hinder you.
You can't exercise your weight out of a bad diet. Weight loss is done mostly in the kitchen. Be mindful of what you put in your body, you'll get out what you put in.
I believe in cutting the BS when it comes to getting healthy. What you need to do is establish a lifestyle. A diet is temporary, when you stop, you'll snap right back to where you are now. Evaluate what's is long term... ie forever. Paleo, not forever. Eating nothing but cabbage soup, not forever. Eating whole foods 3 times a day with sensible snacks, drinking water, and exercising 3-4 times a week for an hour, easily done forever.
Yes, you'll need to learn a new way to eat. Yes, you'll need to learn how to adjust your schedule for getting and being healthy. Thing is, you don't know how bad you feel until you don't feel bad anymore. Once you get out of bad health and get into a habit/lifestyle that aids in proper health and nutrition, you'll never want to go back again.
Good luck!

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