Friday, September 6, 2019

How can I help my 12 year old daughter improve her weight? She is currently 5’0” and she weighs approximately 177 pounds. She is lazy and shows no effort in losing weight.

If she’s 12 years old and she’s at that weight, I am sorry to say this situation is entirely your fault and you need to take responsibility. It sounds like you were the lazy one in terms of parenting.

Take responsibility for the lifestyle you raised her in, which likely was without substantial exercise and encouraged overeating. Don’t make her feel bad for your mistake as a parent.
And certainly don’t shame her for her weight, even if she eventually becomes the healthiest person alive those shaming words will always scar her sense of self-worth. And also, ‘cause, the person you need to be shaming is yourself for being incredibly judgmental and also for refusing to take any responsibility.
Why don’t you revamp your lifestyle to a more healthy and fit one before targeting your daughter? Take the change together to a better level of living. Go on walks and runs together. Eat better and practice cooking together. She’s at the age where you still are responsible for a very large portion of her lifestyle.
But sure, shame her for being lazy and see how that works. Hint: it won’t.

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